One Minute
This is an example of what I call a book of my “One Minute Monochromes”. I achieve each monochrome by first
setting a digital timer for one minute. Next using a pen and circular stencil I will trace along the edge of the stencil in
a clockwise direction for the duration of that digital minute. Once the minute is up I lift up my pen, reset the timer and
start a new monochrome on the next page. I guess one of the important things
to make note of is that with the timer I use, one minute is its lowest setting, so I cannot see the seconds tick away. Another
aspect would be that what ever rate I begin going around the circle is the same rate at which I stay until that particular
minute is up. Concept of what I’m
doing: each monochrome is the physical representation of one analog minute as dictated by one digital minute.